
Why Rejection In Your Network Marketing Company Shouldnt Faze You

I can't seem to wrap my head around a large issue people deal with in their MLM or Network Marketing Business. As perplexing as it may seem to me now, I do remember this issue coming up not so very long ago. The problem is rejection and how personal some people take it. Whether it be when someone doesn't want to join your business or when prospects don't follow thru or when they flake or disappear or whatever; why do so many people take it to heart?For some the term "It's a numbers game" seems despicable or cold or cruel. They feel that it is hollow and that making someone a number eliminates the relationship aspect of MLM's; that it somehow takes away the team building element that is intended to take place. This could not further from the truth. The numbers game is based on the thought that not everyone will want to join your business or will follow through, thus more people equals greater chance of finding the people who qualify to work with you. If you hung your hopes, success, and future on every person with a pulse who maybe might be interested in what your business has, you would never build a team at all.It doesn't matter how great your business is, the fact is some people are not ready to take any chance or risk on anything, let alone your MLM.. Relationships in business are founded on the perspective that both people and/or the team sees eye to eye on the outcome, if not the exact way to achieve it. Partnerships built in conventional businesses, online or offline, have to function cohesively in order to build their income and if a associate is not contributing to the growth, they have to go. The same holds true in the world of Network Marketing, but some people get caught up in the friend building rather than the business building.The greatest problem is people are not taught how a business really works, hence they are not taught how to actually build a business.Since the industry standard replicated technique is to go after friends and family, the new rep treats everyone like a friend and in turn becomes heartbroken when an individual rejects the business or their downline doesn't follow through. They spent more time trying to recruit a handful and keep them "in" than they do building even the shimmer of an actual business. This is one of the many reason for the high attrition rate air swimmers and one of the killing factors for the aspiring entrepreneur. Imagine if they were actually taught to do what real businesses do, like marketing and qualifying their possible business partners, then they could actually learn to build something with a foundation that could achieve success.There is nothing personal about it, no perception of loss, and no excuse to slow down for the Iphone 4s Cases people who can't make up their minds. In fact done correctly and with some practice it simply becomes a process. Market, recruit, close, repeat; the relationships are build along the way. I have yet to meet a leader with a large organization who didn't have a relationship with his direct down-line and who didn't plow through hundreds of people to get to the people who became his/her top producers. They focus on the recruitment and closing, not every person who says "Maybe". It is the way it really works, whether you have been taught that or not. The best of the best are within the numbers. Somewhere in 50 to 100 people is a handful that will make the greatest impact, and in the next 100 a few more top producers that will build it.Personally, I would rather build relationships with those who think, perform, and succeed like the Top Earners do. Don't you?

